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How to Get Your Customers to Trust You and Get Them to Put Down Their Money

When you’re trying to sell products through an eCommerce store, one of the biggest challenges you face is trying to overcome the various ‘barriers to sale’. Barriers to the sale are anything that discourages people from buying your products, even though they want them and feel that they’re worth the money.

One of the biggest barriers to sale here is the fact that people don’t like inputting their details because it’s a hassle. You might want to buy something but not have the time or patience to fill out a form – and for that reason, you don’t convert. One way to overcome this is to use a payment method that doesn’t require any details – such as PayPal.

The other big barrier though is trust. When people buy from you, they are giving you their details and their address and they trust that the product you’re selling meets the description. They are trusting that you won’t run off with their details and they’re trusting that your site is safe and secure.

That’s a big task if you’ve never encountered a customer before and it can be too much of an ask in many cases. So how do you overcome this issue and get people to trust you enough to bite the bullet?

Here are some of the best strategies…

Make Your Site Look Professional

One of the most straightforward and effective ways to increase trust among your visitors is to make sure that your site looks professional and modern. If you’ve ever been to a website that looks like it was made in the Geocities era, then no doubt you will know how off-putting this can be and it makes it very hard to trust the security of the site or even that the business is still operational!

Get a Security Badge

Many companies offer to perform security checks on websites and to provide a ‘badge’ or ‘seal’ that you can display if you pass. This is then used to communicate to your visitors that your site is safe to shop on.

Don’t spend a lot of money on this though: these seals vary in quality and a lot of customers won’t put much stock in them (what’s to prevent you from creating your seal?). But if you can find a cheap and well-recognized one, then it doesn’t hurt.

Use a Recognized Payment Processor

People will feel much more comfortable buying through PayPal than they will be filling out a form to give you their details.

Have Cheap Items for Sale

If you’re trying to sell a big-ticket item, then you’re creating a lot more risk for them. They’ll worry that you might never keep up your side of the bargain and they’ll lose all their money. A way around this is to sell them a cheaper item first. This way they can check that you’re true to your word in a much safer capacity and then only decide to spend more once you’ve proven yourself.


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How Being On Time And Being Organized Can Help You Succeed

There are a lot of different factors that come into play when it comes to being successful. Today, let’s focus on two of them (being organized and being on time) that can make a huge difference in your day-to-day life. Think back on some of the most successful people you’ve met in your own life. The chances are they were good at both of these – organized and on time. There’s a reason why both of these factors will make such a big difference when it comes to being successful.

Both being on time and organized can help you make the best possible use of your time and energy. When referring to energy, it includes both mental and physical energy. We have a limited supply of both along with being restricted to 24 hours on a given day. In other words, both time and energy are limited resources. What being on time and staying organized helps with is making the most of those resources and focusing them on tasks and activities that help us reach the goals that define success.

There are two different ways in which being both on time and organized will help you succeed. Let’s look at both of them and then briefly discuss how to get better at them.

Being On Time And Being Organized Saves You Time

How much time have you wasted this week looking for a misplaced item or file? How about your car keys? How much time have you wasted because you didn’t show up on time for an appointment and ended up having to wait? Making an effort to be on time and staying organized helps you save precious time and energy. Being on time is all about time management and awareness. Work will always stretch out into however much time you give it. Becoming more aware and better at time management will help you work more efficiently. The same is true for being well organized.

Being Organized and On Time Helps You Look Professional

Showing up late for an appointment or interview makes you look bad. So does not being prepared or having to dig around for a few minutes to find something needed. That is particularly true when it comes to first impressions. Work on getting better at both, so you get the chances you deserve, and people see you as the respected person or expert in your field that you are.

How To Get Better At Both

You now know why it’s important to work on getting organized and being on time. So, let’s look at how we can improve both those skills. What it comes down to is getting into the habit of being conscious of time and staying on top of organizational tasks. Yes, if you’re exceptionally disorganized, it will take some up-front work to clear things up. Once completed though, you have to make an effort day in and day out to put things back in their place and stay organized. That is true for physical items, digital items, and even thoughts and ideas. The short answer then is to practice both being on time and staying organized on a daily basis until they become habits.

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Take Control of Your Mind

The Silva Method founded 1960 by self-taught parapsychologist Jose Silva. Originally designed to help his children do better in school is a self-help and meditation program developed by José Silva. It claims to increase an individual’s abilities through relaxation, development of higher brain functions. These specialized guided techniques rewire the sub conscious and negative programming. Tap into your potential genius today with a sample of this most powerful technique! Enjoy

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6 Beneficial Ways React When Someone Criticizes You

Constructive criticism is fine, but some people who are so relentlessly negative that they can suck the joy out of life. No matter what happy news you might have, they are guaranteed to find the cloud to fit your silver lining.


Here are 6 strategies you can use when someone criticizes you.


  1. Don’t Take It Personally

It’s a safe bet that it’s not you, it’s them. Some people just hug their negativity around them like a security blanket, and it colors their view of the world. They criticize everything because that suits them. Watch how they treat other people. It’s guaranteed they criticize everybody, not just you.


  1. Listen to The Message

Is the person obscuring the message? Maybe your critical colleague or friend is tactless, or bad at expressing themselves rather than being mean. Try to see past the messenger to understand what is really being said, otherwise you might miss out on some valuable advice.


  1. Accept the Feedback

You can decide to take crucial feedback on its own merits. That is, as a source of honest feedback. At least with hypercritical people what you see is what you get! If you can see past the blunt delivery, you may be able to find a kernel of truth that can improve the way you do things.

  1. Deal with Your Discomfort

Criticism never feels good. Try to read your own discomfort as another source of information about what is being said. Does the negative feedback trigger a recognition deep within you? Maybe it subconsciously reminds you of a past event, but maybe there’s a ring of truth in the criticism. Sit with your discomfort and see what it’s telling you.


  1. If You Can’t Take the Heat, Stay Out of the Kitchen

If you can’t stand being criticized, then it’s up to you not to get into situations with people who are likely to criticize you. Don’t ask for advice or expose yourself to their negativity. They’re not likely to change, so you need to take control and avoid such conversations. Don’t share good news if you know they’ll throw cold water on it, don’t seek their praise if you know you won’t get it.


  1. Stay Out of Their Way

You have a choice about how to deal with negative people. You can decide not to engage with their negativity, you can ignore them, or you can just avoid them altogether. If you must have contact with a negative person at work, for example, be helpful but don’t engage with them. Otherwise, it’s up to you whether you want to have any contact with such negativity, or not.




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5 Ways to Remain Self-Motivated After a Setback

You did it! You figured out how to be self-motivated. It was no small feat, but now you’re done…right?

Not so fast. Just because you learned how to be motivated from within doesn’t mean the chase is over, and you’ve won the game.

Just as life has its ebbs and flows, people have their own ups and downs. You may have a setback (or two or three), and in that case, you have no idea how your mindset could change.


That may sound daunting, but it’s important to be realistic. If you’ve gotten this far as a self-motivated individual, you’ve likely had to be realistic with yourself in the past. It’s not game over – you’ve just started a new level, a new phase of life that you’ll have to conquer. Check out these 5 ways to keep up the self-motivation after facing a setback.

  1. Redefine Your Approach

If you did the same things for your entire life and never made changes to your approaches, you probably wouldn’t make much progress. When you feel like you hit a roadblock, view it as a chance to figure out a new way around it.

2. Spend Time with People Who Make You Feel Good

Not everyone makes you feel great. Whether it’s a personality conflict or someone who brings you down, if you feel like you’re leaving a social situation with more negative feelings than positive ones, it might be a good idea to check out of it altogether. Those people definitely won’t lift you up and help you get back on your feet.

3.Give Yourself Some TLC

The first thing you may do when you experience a setback is to get angry with yourself. You may turn from self-motivated mode to self-deprecation mode in a matter of moments. Don’t do that! Instead, remind yourself of all the great things you’ve done – all of your accomplishments and wonderful qualities. Give yourself a designated period of self-care, because as soon as you beat yourself up about something, it’ll be much harder to get those inspiration levels back up later.

4. Reward Yourself at Least Once Daily

While you’re indulging in self-care, be sure to do at least one positive, uplifting thing daily. That doesn’t mean finishing a pint of ice cream or staying in bed all day. It means you should do something productive that makes you happy. Try taking a walk outside or cooking a healthy, delicious meal. Maybe you’d like to try out a new hobby or start going to the gym.

5. Let the Past be the Past

It’s called the past for a reason. You could spend hours thinking about what happened before your setback and how you could have changed it. Hindsight is 20/20, so the only thing that will happen here is it will make you feel worse. Be confident in your decisions, and don’t look back. 


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How do I get products to sell for eCommerce?

If you want to create an eCommerce store, then the first thing you’re going to need to do is to decide precisely what you’re going to sell. You can’t have a shop without products and thus many people will mistakenly assume that this business model is not available to them.

So the question then becomes: how do you find products you can sell in your eCommerce store? Do you need to own a high street store?

Read on and we’ll look at numerous options available to you and the business models that go with them.

Sell Things You Already Have

One option is to sell products you already have. This is the best option if you own a high-street store as it means that you can expand your potential market and not have to invest any more money. Better yet is the fact that many EPOS systems (electronic point of sale) can integrate eCommerce tracking so that you can track all your products through one single system.

Buying and Selling

If you don’t already have inventory though, then you might decide to buy some products that you can sell instead. This is a strategy that can work well but only as long as you can get the products more cheaply than you’re selling them. Often this will mean buying in wholesale, though there are other strategies you can use as well.

Buying and selling in this way (called ‘reselling’) is an easier business to get into than you might originally think. That’s because you don’t have to buy all your inventory at once and that way risk making a loss. Instead, order a small number of items initially, then reinvest the profit you make from those into new products. Keep doing this and you can gradually increase your stock until eventually, you have a full store and massive inventory.


Dropshipping is perhaps the ideal business model if you can find sellers that are happy to do this. Essentially, dropshipping means that you are selling products that you didn’t make but you still don’t have to handle any of the shipment and you still get to have your brand on it.

This is a ‘white label’ service, meaning that your customers don’t need to know that you’re not the one who makes the product. In some cases, the product can even have your branding on it! However, you simply pass the orders on to the drop shipper as they come in and that way fulfill the orders.

Digital Products

Another option is to sell digital products. This is a great option because you don’t need to invest any money and because you will make 100% profit on every sale. Digital products tend to include ebooks, apps, software, and courses. But just note that it is a specific type of customer who is normally interested in buying digital items.


Finally, why not turn a hobby into a career by selling products that you’ve made yourself? This could be art, jewelry, or a range of other things!


There you go, some great ideas to take your brick-and-mortar store from the streets to the digital world. If you would like to learn more about Facebook Ecommerce marketing or marketing anything on Facebook, then feel free to download our special Facebook Ecommerce Shops Report


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Channel Authority Builder Review – Think beyond optimization, this one is about right video positioning, literally!

In a nutshell, what is Channel Authority Builder? So you have been trying really hard with keywords and backlinks and don’t seem to be getting anywhere. Well here is a product that can rank you albeit differently almost in disguise. What’s that? Well, Channel Authority Builder is a unique product designed to bring your video to the suggested videos…

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Integrity is the type of concept that everyone knows, but sometimes struggle to understand. We know that we want to have integrity, and we know we want to work with people who have it. But, we sometimes get lost on how to do it. While living a life of integrity isn’t always easy, it is simple. If you want to embrace integrity in your life, follow these nine tips:

  1. Know Your Values

A big part of integrity is being true to your morals and values. If you never take the time to define these things, it is hard (if not impossible) to be true to them. Take some time to brainstorm the values that are important for you.

  1. Strive for Honesty

One of the most important aspects of integrity is honesty. You can’t claim to live with integrity if you are regularly telling lies. If you find yourself in a spot where you feel you have to lie, try to say nothing instead.

  1. Keep Your Promises

A promise isn’t something to be thrown around lightly. If you promise something to someone, you must try your best to make it a reality. If you are the type of person who promises big things but never delivers, then no one will take you seriously.

  1. Show More Compassion

I know we live in a dog eat dog world, but there is nothing weak about showing some compassion. If you are trying to live a life of greater integrity, treating others with respect and empathy should be the norm.

  1. Show Up on Time

If you tell someone you are going to show up, then do it! In fact, not only should you show up to your appointments, you should be there on time. Wasting someone else’s time and energy is a surefire sign of a lack of integrity.

  1. Stand For Something

We don’t all have to be social justice warriors, but you should have a cause (or a few) that you feel strong enough to stand up for. This shows that you care about important things, have a backbone, and are true to your values. These are all characteristics of someone with integrity.

  1. Don’t Follow the Crowd

It is often easier to follow the crowd. That said, it isn’t the right thing to do if you want to showcase your integrity. If you believe in what the majority is saying, that is one thing. But if you have strong feelings about something, don’t be quieted just because you are in the minority.

  1. Avoid People Lacking Integrity

It might not be fair, but who you spend time with is often a reflection of who you are. If you want to live a life of greater integrity, why would you spend time with people who so obviously lack it? 

  1. Be Humble

There is nothing wrong with being proud of yourself. There isn’t even anything wrong with tooting your own horn once in a while. That said, people with integrity don’t feel the need to scream about their accomplishments (or worse, embellish them) constantly.

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Take some time to define your values right now. What is important to you? What do you truly believe in?


Make a list of the people in your life that you interact with regularly. Do any of these people suffer a severe lack of integrity? Consider how you might limit interactions with them.


Choose a cause near and dear to your heart. This cause should fit in with the values you brainstormed earlier. Figure out a way that you can support this cause and take the first steps towards doing so.

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