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5 Habits That Strengthen Cognitive Ability

What is Cognitive Ability?

According to Dan Ispas, Et al, in the International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2015) cognitive ability is…

“a general mental capability involving reasoning, problem solving, planning, abstract thinking, complex idea comprehension, and learning from experience.”
If you want to perform at a higher level, then you need to increase your capacity for this. In order to do that we need to train ourselves mentally just as we would train ourselves physically. In order to do that we need to keep track of a few different things that will help us improve our cognitive ability.

What Can I Do?

Although there are numerous things that you can do to increase cognitive ability, from brain-training games being open to new experiences at least five of them that will help you, will also help you in other parts of your life, these include, sleep, exercise, reducing chronic stress, being creative and Mindfulness.


Probably the most important thing that you can do is get enough sleep. Research varies on the correct amount of sleep per person, and personal variances also determine that. The idea is to get enough sleep to where you feel fully rested when you wake up. A general guideline is 7 to 9 hour of sleep for most adults, with teenagers needing between 9 to 12 hours of sleep a night.

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Research suggests that a molecule named irisin is released when we exercise. This molecule has been shown to not only have neuroprotective effects, but to also help with memory and learning.

There are many different types of exercise and you need to find one that best suits you, some examples would be:

• Cycling
• Swimming
• Rowing

Reduce Chronic Stress

Chronic Stress is a huge problem in our society. We try to pack as much as we can into a single day then scream in frustration when we can’t get anything done. Chronic stress is a prolonged state of being in which we are exposed to stimuli from outside influences. Over time, and without stopping to take care of ourselves, Chronic Stress can reduce our cognitive ability. If our ability to think clearly is gone, and we are not able to focus on the task at hand, then we are not able to do anything worthwhile. There are numerous ways to reduce stress, a few examples would be,

• Exercise
• Create

Be Creative

According to a 2013 Study, “neuroscientists discovered multiple ways that musical training improves the function and connectivity of different brain regions and improves cognitive function. Practicing a musical instrument increases brain volume and strengthens communication between brain areas.”

Creativity is more than just playing a musical instrument. It is about creating something from nothing. If you are not a creative person, don’t fret, just the process of doing it will help. So, if you’ve ever had a dream of painting break out those brushes and canvases and get to painting. Not only will you be able to start working on fulfilling that dream, you will also be able to increase your cognitive ability.
Practice Mindfulness Meditation

In a 2013 Study, “researchers at Harvard’s Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center identified that the brain changes associated with meditation and subsequent stress reduction may play an important role in slowing the progression of age-related cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.”

Mindfulness Meditation is nothing more than taking a few minutes to focus and be present in the moment. It doesn’t take substantial training and a quick google search will help you understand the most basic of techniques.

Cognitive Ability is our way of working in the world; without it, we would not be very functional humans. A few simple tricks can help you achieve the goals that you have always wanted to achieve. Do not wait for tomorrow, today is the perfect time to start.

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5 Ways To Improve Brain Function For Personal Development

Brain or Brawn? Chances are you’re more one than the other, but that shouldn’t matter when it comes to the power of our brain. If you’ve focused on your body, what do you think drives the body? If you’ve focused on your brain, don’t you want to keep sharpening it, especially as you glice you’re your aging years. Read on for five Ways to improve brain function for Personal development.

You Will See the Power of Relationships

Psychology Today says “It turns out that the more diverse your friends are in type, the more they challenge you to think creatively. They provide you with information you would not normally have, and they give you different perspectives on everything. Your friends, figuratively, keep your mind open.”

It is also true that job opportunities will increase from a bigger social circle. It’s often about who you know rather than what you know. Furthermore, you probably met most people you dated due to a mutual friend. Unless of course you’re using Tinder… in which case you should… well just be careful.

You Get to Drink Coffee

Caffeine causes you to become more alert and focused as well as decrease your reaction time. It doesn’t matter if you like it black, with cream, or with chocolate chips in a Frappuccino from Starbucks. The kick of caffeine can help your brain but be careful. The effects are not permanent and too much coffee can cause jitters and anxiety.

Look for the sweet spot and drink away. Coffee can be part of a great morning routine. If you don’t like the taste of coffee, try tea! The world of tea is large and wonderful as well.

You Get to Play Games

Mind games such as Tetris, sudoku, and cross word puzzles have proven good workouts for the brain. Studies have even shown that playing Tetris can increase gray matter and improve brain function for a short period. So, if you’re feeling fried, take a brake and play a game. Hopefully you’ll get plenty of those straight, long pieces. Don’t forget to get back to work, though!

You Can Lounge on the Beach

Sunlight is integral to your health and mental wellbeing. High levels of vitamin D increase your brain’s performance and even slow down your brain’s aging. Too little can cause depression and slow down your brain.

Getting sun can go hand-in-hand with your work out, or it can be worked into your relaxation and self-care. You can lounge on the beach, go for a walk, or sit on a swing in your backyard. No wrong answers!
Of course, too much sunlight is bad for your skin. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Do so 15 minutes before sun exposure and reapply every 2 hours. A powerful brain is extremely important, but so is healthy skin.

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It’s an Excuse for a Nap

Sleep is a time when the brain consolidates memory and learning. Those process will slow down if we don’t get our recommended 7 to 9 hours. Improper sleep can also cause the gray matter in our frontal lobe to decrease in size. This means that if you don’t get enough sleep, you will have a less functional, smaller brain.

A good night’s sleep involves practicing a routine. Have a time when you shut off all appliances, light a candle, put on relaxing music, and start to wind down. Maybe brew some sleepy time tea and read a book. Keep up with the routine and falling asleep on time will be cake.

Take care of your brain and it will take care of you, even well into your older years.

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How to Improve Customer Satisfaction for Your Ecommerce Store

If you have an eCommerce store and you are selling products you have bought wholesale, or that you have acquired the rights to, then this puts you in an interesting position. While you will be running a business and communicating directly with your customers, in many ways their experience is going to be out of your hands. People will rate your store based to a large degree on how much they enjoy the products they buy – and this means that their satisfaction is in some ways out of your hands.

But don’t make the mistake of thinking there is nothing you can do to differentiate yourself or to help ensure your customers are happy. There are several ways in which you can improve or damage the quality of your service, so it’s important to think hard about how you’re going to approach your business.

Here are just some of the things you can do to improve satisfaction…

Over Deliver

Over-delivering is an interesting idea. This essentially means that you are going to provide some free value. A common example you’ll see on Amazon for example is that phone cases will come with free styluses. A stylus costs very little for the vendor but by including them in the package, they can pleasantly surprise their audience and this will make a big difference to how happy they are and the review they ultimately end up leaving.


So you have ‘over-delivery’ and then you have just good old delivery. This is one part of the experience that is entirely down to you unless you are dropshipping. Essentially, it’s your job to make sure that your buyers get their products on time and in the best condition.

Partly this will come down to the carrier you use and partly it will come down to the way you package your item. Here it’s worth investing a little in good quality packaging just to ensure you always get a positive customer experience.

This is also an excellent branding opportunity. Amazon does this particularly well and by including their logo on all of their parcels, they have managed to create an almost Pavlovian response to their brand. We feel great when we see those parcels come through the door and now we associate that feeling with Amazon!

This is also another area where over delivery is a good option: get your items to your buyers sooner than they anticipate and they’ll be very happy indeed.

Customer Service

You can also improve satisfaction by offering the best customer service. This means offering returns with no questions asked and also going above and beyond the call of duty to improve your service. You can do the latter by doing things like sending follow up emails to make sure that your customers are happy with what they’ve received.

Another great option? Just say thank you! People love feeling valued as customers and this is an excellent way to make sure they feel that way.

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Nichexploit – World’s only YouTube customised one click solution to discovering profitable niches!

In a nutshell, what is Nichexploit? The potential that YouTube has is not hidden from anyone. The problem is that since this has now become a universal truth and everyone knows, the competition on YouTube has increased tremendously. Nichexploit is a tool that does detailed YouTube analytics and puts together a report that will tell you exactly how a…

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What You Should Include in Your Time Management System

When you read anything about time management, it will likely steer you towards some kind of time management software tool or program. You put the tasks into the program and you will have time slices for each task. Usually, these programs give you the ability to decide how much time should be allocated to each task. When you are ready to work on a task, you hit the start button and get going on it. When you finish the task you hit the stop button. Over time, the tool will report which tasks you completed early or on time and which you took longer than you should have.

While time management is a crucial tool for day-to-day use, it should not be mistaken for setting goals. Your goals are usually broader-in-scope and often defined as milestones. The tasks included in your time management system are the tasks that are used to make up your goals.

However, it can be a bit more complicated than this. Suppose you use your time management system to measure not only the tasks that you complete that are part of your overall goal, but you also include tasks that are outside of the scope of the goals. For instance, if you take fifteen minutes out of your day to speak to your spouse, why not include this task within the time management system?

Most people don’t include these extraneous activities and this could be a mistake when measuring how well you are doing on a day-to-day basis over time. If you add those extras in, you can see just how much time is spent on those extra activities as well as see what those actual activities are. If you are spending too much time talking to people on the phone, this will appear in your report.

A major reason why people are afraid to include these extra activities in their time management systems is they are afraid to see the truth. This can be especially troublesome if you have a manager that may use this against you. However, you can use this as a basis for improvement, both for yourself and to show your manager. This will increase your productivity, which could lead to better opportunities such as promotions and more money. When you reduce the number of extra activities on a daily basis, you will be increasing the activities that will get you closer to your goals. You probably will reach your goals quicker as a result.

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5 Habits That Are Damaging Your Mind

Your mind is one of your most important assets. It has the final say in the workings of your body and in your daily habits. That being said, the mind can make our break itself.

There are habits that can damage your mind. These practices will have you forgetting little things, zoning out, and unable to focus. If you find yourself engaging in even one of these habits, beware. Your mind may not age well with you!

Not Getting Enough Sleep

When was the last time you woke up feeling refreshed? Some people can’t even remember what that feels like. If you can’t either, it’s time for a change. Sleep is a very important time for your mind. During the night, your brain does maintenance tasks and files things away into your long-term memory.

Some people struggle with sleep because they don’t have a nighttime routine. You need to pick a time that works for you and shut down all screens. Blue light interferes with sleep. Read a book and make some sleepy time tea, maybe put on some relaxing music.

Know that it always takes a little while to fall asleep, so don’t stress. If you have trouble getting to sleep at a good time, keep trying. You need consistency to program your bodily clock to fall asleep at a time that works for you.

Spending too Much Time Alone

According to, what matters is a real sense of connection to others. People who have that with even just a few close friends are happier and more productive. They’re also less likely to suffer from brain decline and Alzheimer’s.

So, if you don’t get out enough, pick up the phone and reconnect with a friend or family member. Go to a bar and strike up a conversation. Schedule some dance lessons. There are no wrong answers, just get yourself out there!


Sitting Around Eating Chips

If you think this is a no-brainer, imagine how many people’s plans tonight involve doing this exact thing. It’s a double whammy of bad; inactivity and junk food both hurt your mind. Think of food as your fuel. If you give your mind bad fuel, it’s going to clog up.

Exercise is great for your body and mind. It lowers your blood pressure, increases oxygen flow to your brain, and releases endorphins which make you feel good. Look into an exercise routine that works for you and your personal needs. You’ll be glad you did.

Not Getting Enough Light

Science tells us that the sun gives you vitamin D. Your mind well tell you the sun simply makes it happy. People who stay in the dark too often may not realize they damage they are doing to their mind. Especially if you suffer from depression, consider getting more natural light during the day.

You can go out for a walk during lunch, open windows more often, or get active. Find ways to sneak the sun into your day and don’t forget to apply sunscreen for prolonged exposure! Find a high SPF and apply 15 minutes before going out into the sun.


Are you really out here smoking in 2020? The science is in. It’s really bad for you. Have you seen those people who talk through the little hole in their neck? Have you seen a smoker’s lung? The small amount of focus a cigarette might give you just isn’t worth it.

It should be unsurprising that over time, cigarettes have proven to be bad for your mind. They make your memory worse and, according to, cigarettes make you twice as likely to get dementia in old age. So, quit! Suck on suckers and use the patch if you need to. Even your wallet will thank you.

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How to Stay Organized When the Going Gets Tough

Your normally an organized person with plans and schedules but sometimes life happens. Things occur that weren’t expected and suddenly your well planned life seems to crumble around you into chaos. There are things you can do to prevent that from happening. Ironically, it does mean that you need to have been organized enough to plan ahead for these eventualities!

So what can you do when things aren’t going as planned so that you can stay in control and on top of everything?

Be Prepared

This really is the key to everything. By planning ahead you will know what to do when you’re snowed under with work and the kids have after school activities every day.

Get as much ready as you can for the next day before you go to bed. That includes clothes, work and school bags, your to do list and, if possible, breakfast and lunch.

Plan for the week ahead on a Sunday so that you know what the schedule is and have a meal plan in place.

Plan Your Meals

Meal planning may sound boring but it will save you time, stress and money. By planning meals ahead and doing as much prep work as possible in advance you’ll be less likely to head for the take out menu.

Keep a selection of pre-prepared meals in your freezer. Freezer cooking doesn’t have to be a chore as there are plenty of make it ahead dishes that can be frozen ready to cook in a slow cooker.

Turn off Technology

If you’ve got an insurmountable list of things to do then don’t allow yourself to be distracted by the television, internet, FaceBook, email or any other messaging service.

Once you’ve completed everything that needs to be done then you can go back to chatting with friends via Skype or watching your favorite tv show.


Don’t run yourself ragged trying to be a superhero and getting it all done. Instead take a look at your to do list and prioritize each item. Cross off or move to another day anything that isn’t essential. Check off anything that you’ve already completed. Delegate whatever tasks you can. Only do the things that need to be done and you’ll find you’ll feel more in control.
Remember: if it’s not important then ignore it.

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Clutter is easy to create. Don’t let it become a problem. Instead take a few minutes each day to put things away and throw away junk. Put the dishes into the dishwasher immediately instead of leaving them on the counter. Deal with the mail immediately instead of leaving it piling up on the side.

Get Up Early

While getting up early may seem pointless it can provide a really focused way to start your day. Especially if you create a miracle morning routine that includes power habits such as exercise, meditation or visualizations, planning and a healthy breakfast.

By getting up earlier you can start your day feeling both energized and organized by completing any essential tasks to make sure that you and your family are ready for the day ahead.

Take Care of You

Providing that you take care of your mental, physical and emotional health by exercising regularly, eating healthily and practising meditation or mindfulness you will feel more able to cope when things don’t go to plan or life spirals out of control. Don’t forget to get enough sleep.

No matter how organized and well planned you are, there will be times when life gets busy and you start to worry that you won’t get everything done. Following these tips will help you to stay organized and in control.

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How Being On Time And Being Organized Can Help You Succeed

There are a lot of different factors that come into play when it comes to being successful. Today, let’s focus on two of them (being organized and being on time) that can make a huge difference in your day-to-day life. Think back on some of the most successful people you’ve met in your own life. The chances are they were good at both of these – organized and on time. There’s a reason why both of these factors will make such a big difference when it comes to being successful.

Both being on time and organized can help you make the best possible use of your time and energy. When referring to energy, it includes both mental and physical energy. We have a limited supply of both along with being restricted to 24 hours on a given day. In other words, both time and energy are limited resources. What being on time and staying organized helps with is making the most of those resources and focusing them on tasks and activities that help us reach the goals that define success.

There are two different ways in which being both on time and organized will help you succeed. Let’s look at both of them and then briefly discuss how to get better at them.

Being On Time And Being Organized Saves You Time

How much time have you wasted this week looking for a misplaced item or file? How about your car keys? How much time have you wasted because you didn’t show up on time for an appointment and ended up having to wait? Making an effort to be on time and staying organized helps you save precious time and energy. Being on time is all about time management and awareness. Work will always stretch out into however much time you give it. Becoming more aware and better at time management will help you work more efficiently. The same is true for being well organized.

Being Organized and On Time Helps You Look Professional

Showing up late for an appointment or interview makes you look bad. So does not being prepared or having to dig around for a few minutes to find something needed. That is particularly true when it comes to first impressions. Work on getting better at both, so you get the chances you deserve, and people see you as the respected person or expert in your field that you are.

How To Get Better At Both

You now know why it’s important to work on getting organized and being on time. So, let’s look at how we can improve both those skills. What it comes down to is getting into the habit of being conscious of time and staying on top of organizational tasks. Yes, if you’re exceptionally disorganized, it will take some up-front work to clear things up. Once completed though, you have to make an effort day in and day out to put things back in their place and stay organized. That is true for physical items, digital items, and even thoughts and ideas. The short answer then is to practice both being on time and staying organized on a daily basis until they become habits.

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