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3 Vital Aspects To Effective Time Management Skills

Ariana Huffington takes time to “pause” every day. Steve Jobs eliminated time-consuming decisions by wearing the same outfit every day.  Jack Groetzinger gamifies his to-do list. Everyone has their own unique approach to managing their time. There’s no right or wrong way, but there are several vital aspects of developing effective time management skills. Here are three of them:

  1. Figure Out Your Priorities

When you’re caught between one task and another, you’re faced with a decision: Which task do I work on first? To avoid this, decide your priorities ahead of time and work accordingly. To meet deadlines without unnecessary stress and anxiety, you need to have a prioritization system regardless of the way you work.

  1. Quality > Quantity

This golden rule is plastered on the walls of every classroom, so it’s always a shock that people forget to follow it. We get caught up in our daily responsibilities – sometimes they feel so endless that quantity seems like the only option. If you’re plowing through your work but lack objectivism and passion, you may have caved and picked quantity over quality. Long-term, this is detrimental to your work ethic and time management skills. Learn how to manage your time for rewarding work that adds value to your life. Once you nail that down, you can begin to take on more tasks.

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  1. Review Your Work

Of course, you always double-check and triple check your work before submitting it to someone for approval. Why not do the same for your workflow? Set up a time once or twice a month to go through your assignments and figure out if you’re operating efficiently. Ask yourself some of these questions:

  • Do I really need to be doing this task?
  • Is there any way I can automate this task?
  • Can I delegate this task to someone else?
  • Can I do this task less often?

Going through these questions does not mean you’re taking the easy way out. In fact, it’s a foolproof approach to perfecting your work habits, which will make you a more efficient worker.

It may sound like these tips will take no time at all, but you may be surprised. Many people are inclined to work, work, work that they don’t stop and find new ways to innovate their approach. Set aside a few hours to figure out how you’re incorporating these tactics into your work. It will save you tons of time in the future.

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6 Exercises That Strengthen Your Attention Skills

Like anything we do, strengthening your attention skills comes down to repetition. It is no different than going to the gym, running daily, or going to yoga. It is only through repetition that we are able to improve upon what we have. Getting a baseline for your attention is key, so that you can adjust the exercises accordingly.


This is very important and not to be skipped. Set out on a task that you have, be it, reading, writing, or working in the yard. Determine the task, set a timer, and work for as long as you can before you lose your attention, this means checking your phone, stopping to talk, or just daydreaming.

You may be surprised at how much time is wasted just in those instances. This is your baseline and all of the exercises are designed with a 5-minute baseline in mind. If your baseline is higher, adjust accordingly, if it is lower, keep the same timeline.

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Train Your Focus

Set a timer for 7 minutes
● Focus Completely on working, reading, or the task
● Take a 3-minute break
● Set for another 7 minutes
● Each day add another 2 minutes to your focused work time. With an additional 1 minute if break time.

In 12 days, you will have increased your focus by 41 minutes of productivity followed by 14 minutes of break time. As soon as you’re comfortable with what you are doing, make adjustments to length your sessions and decrease your break times.

The end goal is 50 minutes of productivity per hour with a 10-minute break session.
Meditate and Mindfulness

Meditation helps with numerous attention skills. When the hustle and bustle of everyday life has you fluster, take 10 minutes to close your eyes and re-center your thoughts. Research has shown that meditation can boost your attention span.

Where Meditation seeks to clear your mind, Mindfulness seeks to incorporate your mind and body with the surrounding environment. It is something that you can do at all times throughout the day just by stopping and observing your surroundings. The end goal is to have you be in the here and now. The entire idea of mindfulness can be summed up in one simple phrase, be where your hands are.

If you are at work, and your mind is at home it’s time to practice mindfulness. This helps with attention span because it forces you to focus on the things that you are doing at the time.

Memory training

Increasing your attention span through memory training is something that you can do daily. A simple exercise is to read a story on your favorite news site, wait 5 minutes, then write a quick summary of that story, Then go back and re-read the story to see if you missed any key information. As you progress, read longer and longer pieces of work. Read it thoroughly and read it slowly. Like ribs, low and slow is the name of the game.

Attentive listening

Focus is important not only for the work environment, but also for the home environment. Being able to effectively listen and communicate with our loved ones builds rapport and intimacy. Logic shows that couples that have a high degree of intimacy tend to live better lives and stay together longer. Listening attentively is just focusing all of your energy on the person that is talking. The easiest way to do this is to ditch the phone.


The last exercise isn’t one that people would think of, but journaling can help you to increase your attention span. Just like working, journaling is your personal outlet for self-expression. If you are 1000 different places, putting paper to pen will help clear out the clutter.

Set a word goal for the day. A good milestone is 700 words. Write 700 words on whatever is on your mind, it doesn’t have to be good. Just dump all the excess thoughts and go from there.

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5 Key Ways To Improve Brain Performance

Your brain is the most important organ in your body. You absolutely cannot function without it and if your brain is running slow, so are you. How then, can we make sure our brain keeps working for us? As we age, diseases such as dementia threaten our golden years.

The good news is that just like any part of your body, a care routine can be put in place for your brain. Read on for 5 key ways to improve brain performance.

Stimulate Your Mind says “Through research with mice and humans, scientists have found that brainy activities stimulate new connections between nerve cells and may even help the brain generate new cells, developing neurological “plasticity” and building up a functional reserve that provides a hedge against future cell loss.”

Basically, stimulating your mind is like working out your body. Challenge and flex your brain, and it will get stronger. Watch TV all the time, and your brain will get weaker. Challenging your mind can also boost your mental health and make you feel more in the moment. Following your old habits day in and day out will make you depressed and barely present at all.

Hit the Gym

You may think that exercise is for the rest of the body, but the brain benefits as well! Improved blood flow brings more oxygen to brain cells so that the brain can have more energy. The oxygen-rich blood also spurs development of new nerve cells and increases the connection between brain cells. So, no more excuses. Make time for the gym and you’ll be glad you did!

The Mediterranean Diet

For years now nutritionists have touted the benefits of The Mediterranean Diet. This diet refers to the food and lifestyle of people living in the Mediterranean. The food of the diet emphasizes fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and olive oil. The Mediterranean lifestyle promotes physical activities such as dancing and walking from place to place.

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Your body is only as good as the fuel it gets. Your brain is part of your body. If you keep your body well fueled, it will thank you with higher power performance. You can still have French fries every now and then if you must but think about what you’re missing out on.

Keep up with your Mental Health

Anxiety can increase blood pressure and hurt the immune system. It can also cause insomnia as you use your powerful brain to agonize over what you did or didn’t do during the day. Depression can cause you to not even care what kind of performance your brain, or any other part of you gives at all.

These mental health issues and their hindrance to your overall performance are good reasons to keep up with your mental health. Prioritize sleep and self-care, don’t ignore your emotions, and reach out for help, professional and unprofessional both, if you need to.

Reach out

Strong social ties help you in every walk of life. You probably met your significant other through a friend. Jobs are more often scored due to who you know rather than what you know. It has also shown that those with strong social ties have lower chances for dementia, lower blood pressure, and higher life expectancy. So, reach out and make a friend!

These five pointers are just the beginning and like anything, increasing your brain performance takes practice. You have to commit to these lifestyle changes, but once you do, you’ll find the benefits far outweigh the setbacks. Increased brain performance means better focus, more positivity, and less mental health risks.

Utilise and Manage your Time to generate Productive Results with our Highly-Effective and Advanced “Time Management Expertise”!

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6 Habits That Boost Memory Power

Boosting memory power has many advantages both in our personal lives as well as our professional lives. The ability to remember facts at our fingertips, remember the schedule and appointments that we have to keep, and the ability to remember faces and names, goes a long way to making us productive members of society.

Nobody likes running into someone and the other person calls out, Hey, Jim! How are you doing? How are the kids, only to be left shaking the hand of someone we remember vaguely, but whose names escape us. They are good, man. Is the typical response in these situations.

There are a few things that we can do to boost are memory power so that we do not find ourselves in these sticky situations, from games, to the ubiquitous meditation that seems to be the answer to all wellness problems, we can sit down and develop 6 habits that will help us to boost our memory, and therefore boost our lives.
Boost Your Memory
Everyone loves games and sometimes if we play the correct game it will help with our memory. Some of them already do this without realizing it. Crossword puzzles on Sunday morning sitting at the kitchen table while drinking coffee is one of the ways in which we can boost our memory. Additionally, we can play chess as well as other Newspaper games like sudoku. Any puzzle game that requires us to think analytically will help us to improve.

A note on video games. Research is split on whether video memory games can help. Take it with a grain of salt, and never, unless you firmly believe in it, pay money for these games.


The National Institute Of Health reports that getting enough sleep is paramount. Without adequate sleep our brain does not function at peak levels. When this happens, it affects everything from memory to the ability to work properly. Energy drinks are not a substitute for sleep. They do not help with the healing of the brain that happens while we are asleep. All they do is pump us full of sugar and synthetic stimulants and do not help us regain lost sleep.

To know if you are getting the correct amount of sleep, just see how you feel in the morning. If you wake up groggy and cloudy, you have not gotten enough sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep, before medications, ditch the screen. Turn off all TV’s and cellphones in the room and just enjoy the darkness. You may be surprised out how quick you fall asleep without those devices on.

Avoid Alcohol

According to research, “Alcohol has neurotoxic effects on the brain, including reducing memory performance. Occasional moderate drinking isn’t an issue, but binge drinking can damage your hippocampus, a key area of your brain associated with memory.”

None of what was said in that paragraph is good. It also left out alcohol’s effect on our REM sleep cycle. Tell me if this sounds familiar,

You come home from a day at work, have a few beers, fall asleep, wake up feeling extremely tired and grumpy? You earned those drinks though, so you are going to have them.

What’s happening is that when you fall asleep under the influence of alcohol, although it may allow you to fall asleep faster, it does not allow you to fall asleep deeper. You stay out of REM sleep and instead cycle between lighter stages of sleep. It is this deeper stage of REM sleep that repairs and restores the brain.


Exercise increase brain function and therefore would also increase memory. Additionally, it will help you sleep more soundly.

Sleep is probably the number one, most important habit that you can have in order to increase and boost memory function. Give it 2 weeks of going to bed early with no tv or devices and see how rested and relaxed that you feel upon waking.

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